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The weekend that changed me forever!  It was a warm weekend in August of 2006.  My church’s first men’s retreat at the Cherokee Retreat Center was nothing like I had anticipated.  When I heard about this retreat, I must admit, I pictured Ned Flanders and the boys sitting around the campfire singing Kum-By-Ya.  I didn’t know anything about Pat MacPherson, who was hosting the retreat, nor did I know about Men Abiding in Christ Ministries. Well, assumptions can lead you astray and this was no exception for me. 

I felt the presence of God that weekend like never before.  Between the great music, a wonderful program, the three hour quiet time on Sunday morning, and some of the best barbecue ever, I found that there are many men like myself who needed this time of spiritual renewal.  Three hours of quiet time can be intimidating but what a powerful gift it is to have three hours of uninterrupted time with the Lord. 

I have never been able to express my feelings to other men about my daily struggles the way I was able to at this retreat.  God set out to capture our hearts that weekend and we became Brothers in Christ.  Each man bringing different talents, gifts, problems, heartaches, joy, love and laughter with the sole intention of glorifying our Creator.  I now know that I am not alone in this world, that everyone needs God just as much as I do. Where I am weak I know I have a Brother who is strong and vice-versa.  Because of the Brotherhood I experienced that weekend I am more equipped to share the Gospel and see the Lord in others so I can glorify God in my everyday life. 

Thanks Pat for letting God use you at our church.

Bryan Leeth
MAC Ministries © 2010