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Four years ago Pat invited me to meet with a small group on Wednesday mornings. The purpose of our meeting was to have an opportunity to grow deeper in our knowledge and our relationship with Jesus Christ. In the group, it was easy to share life’s pressures and trials with other men. They often could relate their own personal experiences to what I was going through.  Meeting regularly, as we did, built a trust that made it easier to share personal situations. When we left our meeting each Wednesday morning, there was a confidence that each man would pray for the other during the week.  It was rewarding to receive the support and encouragement from Pat and the other men as well as the challenge from Pat to have a closer walk with God.

Pat suggested that I start a men’s small group at my own church so the men could have the opportunity to grow in their faith with other Christian men within the church.  He offered advice and direction that would help me to disciple other men.  We have been meeting on Saturday mornings for two years now, and it has been rewarding to witness the faithfulness of these men. We have bonded together and supported each other through Bible study, book studies and prayer.

Last year, I was asked to be the president of our United Methodist Men’s Fellowship at my church.  Pat encouraged me to accept God’s call as he committed to meet with me twice a month and provide support I needed to lead this ministry.  In our meetings, Pat listened, advised and encouraged me with direction.  Pat helped me as I had to make plans in recruiting men and empowering a leadership team.  

The time that Pat has given me has helped me become a more patient leader.  Surrendering to God’s plan is difficult but imperative so men draw closer to Him through me.  Pat’s guidance in giving it all over to God so God can build the ministry through myself and others and not through my own work has helped me grow in my own faith walk.  Pat’s mentorship and commitment has helped me and UMM become a better disciple maker for God.

Tom King, Y.B.I.C.

MAC Ministries © 2010