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He’s the right man in the right place at the right time.  And if you’ve been around the church for any length of time, then you know that that’s not an automatic. 

I’m talking about Pat MacPherson and his men’s ministry.  Pat bears the marks of one anointed by God for men’s ministry.  The marks of that anointing are these:  a passion for connecting men with Christ; an understanding of how men are wired and what that means for enabling their Christian growth; a good grasp of how groups grow and work; a loyalty to the church and the men’s place in it; and last but not least, a capacity for building loving and gracious friendships with men individually.  And to top it all off, Pat avails himself of cutting edge men’s resourcing, with which he equips his men’s groups.

That’s why we’re excited to have Pat walking along with the leaders of our men’s ministry.  He has provided the kind of wise counsel and encouragement that have taken them to a whole new level.  May God continue to prosper his ministry!

Rev. Keith Hill
Senior Pastor
St. Giles Presbyterian Church

MAC Ministries © 2010